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Amplifier Student Mini-Grants

Photograph by Maureen Kobierowski, ASU Humanities Lab.


Lab: Indigenizing Food Systems, Spring 2022
Instructors: Myla Vicenti Carpio, Melissa Nelson, Alexander Soto
Type: Campaign, Print Media
Tags: Culture, Food, Storytelling
Team: Azita Martin, Haley Hernandez, Kirby Skoric, Stella Wick, Kayla Napper

Learn more about this Lab

About the outcome

Our project is to create a magazine that showcases our cultural stories and recipes and Indigenous tribes from Arizona. We want to increase exposure to traditional foods from Indigenous cultures with this magazine. We have also collaborated with local chefs to understand Indigenous traditional foods and stories better.

About the team

My name is Azita Martin, and I am a graduate student in the Masters of Sustainability Solutions Program here at ASU. I received my undergraduate degree in Dental Hygiene at Northern Arizona University. While being a hygienist, I have witnessed various levels of plastic waste and the lack of importance around sustainability. After having children, I decided that I needed to do more for their futures, so I plan to work in the food system field or corporate sustainability with my future career.

My name is Haley Hernandez and I am an undergraduate student studying Sustainability with a minor in Psychology at Arizona State University. I am also a current graduate student in the MSUS 4+1 program in the College of Global Futures. I have had wonderful opportunities to work across various areas, such as promoting ESG investing to submitting comprehensive policy implementation at the city level. As a person who is indigenous from Mexico, my goal is to learn about traditional ecological knowledge and utilize those techniques within sustainability and to expand community awareness and education on indigenous culture and vulnerabilities.

My name is Kirby Skoric and I am a grad student at ASU studying Sustainable Solutions in the College of Global Futures. I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Wyoming in Laramie, WY in Environmental Systems Science and Environment and Natural Resources, with a minor in Sustainability. During my time in Wyoming, I was involved in extracurriculars and careers associated with fostering sustainable, just and equitable food systems. Currently, much of my work is associated with creating engagement surrounding sustainability on ASU’s campuses in Phoenix, AZ.

My name is Stella Wick and I am an undergraduate student at Arizona State University studying sustainability, with special interest in sustainable food systems and biomimicry. I am a member of the executive board of a sustainability focused mentorship program through the university which connects upper and lower division students under the College of Global Futures. I have experience working with community garden and local food system development in my hometown, Saint Louis, Missouri. Through my education and experiences I hope to apply the principles of biomimetic design into our food system with hopes of making it more sustainable and accessible.

I am Kayla Napper a Sustainable Solutions masters student (MSUS) in the College of Global Futures. I got my undergraduate in psychology with a minor in sustainability from Arizona State University in 2019. This is my second semester back in school! I am super motivated by the curriculum focusing on Indigenous traditional ecological knowledge and personal cultural knowledge, and how it positively impacts sustainable solutions and system change the program offers. My goal after my masters is to get a PhD in ecopsychology (ecology/psycholog y) and study how the natural world impacts us physically, mentally, and spiritually.

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