Beyond the Lab
What is the Beyond the Lab program?
The Beyond the Lab program is an extension of the Humanities Lab, and more specifically faculty-student team collaborations. It is an opportunity to work beyond the semester's end to further develop and refine outcomes created in the original Lab for greater impact into the communities they serve.
Who can apply?
Students who are currently completing a Humanities Lab can apply to extend their Lab projects beyond the scope of a single semester. To begin the process, start a conversation with your current faculty and student team about how you see your current impact outcome evolving. After you have an idea of what your Beyond the Lab project would look like, fill out our application to be considered.
What type of impact outcomes are possible?
Beyond the Lab outcomes vary widely but always leave an impact. Examples include: further developing a publication plan (book, article, experimental media platform); mounting an exhibition; building a prototype for a new invention; developing an enterprise pitch deck; adapting Labs as workshop or training for scale; creating a social media intervention experience; curating an XR art installation; writing white papers; and developing apps to name a few.
Do you receive credit for participating?
Yes! Accepted students teams will partner with faculty for a semester (or more) as they enhance and build upon their previous work. These students will receive ASU credit hours.
Is there funding available to support projects?
Yes! Students can apply for up to $5,000 to support their project. While no separate application is required, students will need to submit a budget and make sure their project aligns with the initiative. To learn more, read the funding guidelines below.
To learn more about the Beyond the Lab program and opportunities to participate, contact Communications Manager Maureen Kobierowski at 480.727.7220 or Maureen.Kobierowski@asu.edu. (Applications for Spring 2025 semester Beyond the Lab enrollments are due December 15th 2024.)
Meet our newest Beyond the Lab teams.
Two students from the Humanities Lab Spring 2022 – Language Emergency Lab have joined the Beyond the Lab program this fall to augment an impact outcome developed in the original Lab – teaching guides for a Piipaash storybook. With help from Seize the Moment funding, the team will continue to partner with the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s O’odham Piipaash Language Program (OPLP) and will create customized teaching materials to enhance the storybook teaching guides.
In the Spring of 2022, an interdisciplinary team of Humanities Lab – Indigenizing Food Systems students co-designed a deeply impactful outcome while forming a unique bond. From there, along with a couple of new members, the team applied for the Humanities Lab's Beyond the Lab program as well as a corresponding Seize the Moment grant fellowship, to which they were awarded both.
Examples of Beyond the Lab Outcomes
Three students from the Humanities Lab Spring 2019 – Rebuilding Puerto Rico Lab became the first students to kick-off the Lab’s inaugural Beyond the Lab program, where they created a children’s book with the aim of providing children language, tools and resources for coping with natural disasters such as Puerto Rico’s Hurricane Maria.
View the project here.
The Humanities Lab Fall 2020 – Disrupting Dis/Ability Lab students decided to carry over their initiative to Spring 2021 to build upon their Lab’s original impact outcome – developing a new layer on ASU’s Interactive Campus Map. Mapping Access spans across all four of the metro Phoenix campuses and helps individuals find building entrances, accessible restrooms, etc.
View the project here.
Humanities Lab Funding
Request up to $5,000 for Beyond the Lab
As part of the Humanities Lab programming at Arizona State University, we're proud to offer student teams the opportunity to apply for up to $5,000 in funding to support their impact outcome projects and activities through Beyond the Lab.
Funding can be used to organize public events, produce media, purchase supplies and materials, provide support for community collaborators, and more. To apply, all you need to do is make sure your projects are aligned with the guidelines shared below and include a funding request with your Beyond the Lab application.
To read the full guidelines and learn more about funding, keep reading. If you have any questions, contact Communications Manager Maureen Kobierowski at 480.727.7220 or maureen.kobierowski@asu.edu
Shaping tomorrow, today, requires path-breaking, creative solutions. That challenge has never been more critical than it is today, as an alarming “syndemic” of intersecting crises—the coronavirus pandemic, racial injustice and accompanying civil unrest, and cascading environmental hazards—destabilize social systems and threaten human survival across the planet.
At this critical time in human history, we invite you to address the challenges of the current moment through transdisciplinary collaborations in the arts, sciences, humanities, and technology in pedagogy, research, and public engagement.
For Beyond the Lab, we're specifically interested in projects or activities that:
- Address an intersectional crisis: Identify and address a complex, multi-faceted problem at the intersection of health, social, and environmental issues
- Transdisciplinary: Use an arts, humanities or other creative practice and approach in conversation with science, technology, or another discipline or field
- Create a public impact: Produce meaningful, concrete outcomes or actions that increase public engagement around the issue and positively impact the community
To learn more about the Beyond the Lab program and opportunities to participate, contact Communications Specialist- Maureen Kobierowski at 480.727.7220 or Maureen.Kobierowski@asu.edu. (Applications for Spring 2025 semester Beyond the Lab enrollments are due December 15th 2024)
The Humanities Lab provides students with the opportunity to apply for up to $5,000 to support impact outcome projects and activities through Beyond the Lab. Examples may include:
- Media: Podcasts, videos, books, new media, experimental publishing, digital innovation, or other forms of media
- Projects or Products: Podcasts, videos, publications, or other costs associated with organizing and executing various projects or productions
- Events: Venues, speaker fees, ASL interpretation, live-streaming, recording, or other costs associated with organizing public events
- Collaboration and Support: Stipends, honoraria, or other forms of financial compensation for individuals and organizations providing services
- Art: Murals, posters, installations, or other forms of public art
- Supplies and Materials: Books, accesses, softwares, or other supplies and materials necessary for the outcome (excluding transactions prohibited by ASU)
- Marketing: Posters, fliers, postcards, or other printed materials promoting the outcome
Please note: funding is not intended to support payments or other forms of financial compensation for ASU students or faculty.
While the maximum request for any funding is $5,000, you do not need to request the maximum amount. That being said, requests of any amount up to the maximum are welcome and encouraged. Generally speaking, we recommend between $1,000 and $2,000. Submit the budget that works best for you.
Creating budgets and providing justification
To apply for funding, all you need to do is include an itemized budget and provide a funding justification in your Beyond the Lab application. No separate application is required.
To create an itemized budget, simply list your expenses and calculate the total using our budget template.
To justify your funding, simply identify the expense and explain how it will support or further your project. While the length of your funding justification will vary depending on your project, we recommend between one and three sentences for each item, and a maximum length of 500 words.
(Applications for Spring 2025 semester Beyond the Lab enrollments are due December 15th 2024)