Educating for Democracy
Fall 2025: Tuesdays, 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Walton Center for Planetary Health, Room 409 (Session C)
What is the purpose of education? Has it changed over time? If so, how and why?
How has democracy evolved through history?
What lies ahead for democracy and sustainability? Is it in crisis?
What role has education played in democracy and sustainability? Can it (should it) be transformed to strenghen democracy and address climate change?
If democracy and sustainability are in crisis, what could explain the reason for it?
How can we reimagine education to empower students to interrogate and actualize the promise of democracy and promote a more sustainable planet?
If democracy and sustainability are in crisis, what could explain the reason for it?
How can we transform the educational status quo to create schools that effectively prepare students to become contributing and flourishing members of their communities and our pluralistic democracy? In this course, students will investigate the purpose of education, examine past and current educational innovations, and reimagine schooling by designing initiatives for K-12 students to learn democracy by practicing democracy in their everyday lives in ways that cultivate student agency, develop empathy, and give meaningful voice to all constituencies in school communities. *This Lab is part of the Create the Change and Cultivating Civic Virtues through Action series.
- Collaborators TBA
Impact Outcomes
Students will share their findings with the general public in a format of their choosing. Check this page at the end of the semester for updates!
Educating for Democracy in the News
At the Humanities Lab, we strive to ensure our Labs are relevant and current. Here are some recent articles about Educating for Democracy in today’s news!
Enrollment Information
Fall 2025: Tuesdays 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm |
WCPH 409, Session C |
Humanities Lab | HUL 494, 598 |
Justice Studies | JUS 494, 598 |
Educational Studies | EDU 494, 598 |