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Taking a Lab

Taking a Lab

Note: The Seize the Moment pilot program has ended, please stay tuned for future updates.

What is the Humanities Lab and Why Take One?

Humanities Labs are designed around social challenges that have immediate relevance to the world’s current circumstances. They are team-taught by faculty from different disciplines to enhance student perspective on such challenges and enroll students under varying prefixes. Lab students have opportunities to inquire, investigate beyond the surface, collaborate in teams, engage with community partners, and create impact outcomes that are shared broadly to shape meaningful change.

All Humanities Labs offer students:

– General studies humanities credit (please check Class Schedule for details)
– Automatic honors credit to Barrett Honors students
– CISA students can earn capstone credit for all 400 level Labs
– Research opportunities
– A public forum to present ideas
– An opportunity to continue course work in our Beyond the Lab program.

Want to learn more? Check out this short video below for more information!