Why is the Amazon Burning?
Fall 2020: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:00-4:15 pm
Farmer Education Building, Room 220 and ASU Sync
Does the rainforest have rights?
How has it been utilized by humans over time?
What about the rights of the indigenous occupants?
What policies exist regarding the Amazon?
Why are we so challenged by uncertainty?
We will investigate the critical role emotions play in socio-cultural responses (or lack of response) to climate change (and its intersecting social challenges). Together we will engage different knowledges, methods, and processes for accessing our emotions and honing our intuition and intellect- from art to qualitative and quantitative mixed methods and beyond.Students will then be able to collaborate on a culminating impact project of their inquiry-based design. It could be a public performance/art exhibit, a data collection/analysis white paper or prototyping their own novel system.
- Collaborations TBA
Impact Outcomes
In pursuing their investigation of the Amazon, the Lab team met with faculty from the Future of Innovation in Society and the School of International Letters and Cultures as well as various scholars across the globe ranging from the United Kingdom to universities scattered throughout Brazil. In total, the Lab collaborated with 10 different thought partners as they created informed and meaningful tools for explaining the complexities of the Amazon rainforest’s land, inhabitants and the effects of the pandemic in Indigenous communities. Through policy papers, magazine pitch articles and story maps Lab teams developed poignant work that parses out some of the many complexities that exist within the realms of the rainforest’s land, indigenous inhabitants and conflicting economies.
View their final impact outcomes here.
Enrollment Information
Fall 2020: Tuesday and Thursday 3:00-4:15pmand *Tuesday 1:30-2:45pm |
H.B. Farmer Education Building, Room 220, *ED328 Session C |
Humanities Lab | Future of Innovation in Society |
HUL 494 and 598 | FIS 494 |
International Letters and Cultures | Global Technology and Development |
SLC/POR/SPA 494 and SLC 598 | GTD 598 |
*Lab time is for students to work on activities and assignments, especially skill-building and collaborative Lab projects. Contact faculty about required Lab times.