Why is the Amazon Burning? Impact Outcomes
Why is the Amazon Burning?
In pursuing their investigation of the Amazon, the Lab team met with faculty from the Future of Innovation in Society and the School of International Letters and Cultures as well as various scholars across the globe ranging from the United Kingdom to universities scattered throughout Brazil (which included the University of Sao Paulo and Federal University of Amapa). In total the Lab collaborated with 10 different thought partners (see full list below) as they created informed and meaningful tools for explaining the complexities of the Amazon rainforest’s land, inhabitants and the effects of the pandemic in Indigenous communities. Through policy papers, magazine pitch articles and story maps Lab teams developed poignant work that parses out some of the many complexities that exist within the realms of the rainforest’s land, indigenous inhabitants and conflicting economies.
Story Maps
Students created layered story maps that take the viewer through the Amazon rainforest utilizing sounds, images, videos, and text. These outcomes were enhanced through a partnership with embedded ASU librarians and the Director of Maps, Imagery and Geospatial Hub, Matthew Toro.
The True Repercussions: Extractivism from A to AZ by Amanda O’Brien, Ashlee Rosen, Giselle Rodriguez, Sophie O’Brien, Trevor Calderone
Brazilian Beef: How Cattle Ranching develops Brazil and deforests the Amazon by Joey Reynoso, Cruise Costin, Jin Jiang, and Shayne Tarquinio
The Impact of COVID-19
Some students analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic related to land use tensions as part of their investigation (shown in these policy papers and magazine pitch to Future Tense/ Slate Magazine). Torie Bosch, editor of Future Tense / Slate Magazine, partnered with students in a question/ answer session to help them refine their pitches. To view tips from Bosch on how to pitch articles, click here
– COVID-19: The Impact on the Navajo Nation by Sarah Froxylia, Gabriel Garcia, John Kole, Samantha Maas, Porshe Miller
– Gold Mining and COVID-19 by Sarah Froxylia, Gabriel Garcia, John Kole, Samantha Maas, Porshe Miller
– Timeline of the Amazon: How COVID-19 may have similiar effects as first European contact by Sarah Froxylia, Gabriel Garcia, John Kole, Samantha Maas, Porshe Miller
The Impact through Deforestation
Other students used their work to illustrate land tension complexities through the deforestation created by cattle farming in the Amazon and uranium mining in the Grand Canyon. Their work can be viewed in the below papers.
– Depolarizing Uranium Mining Near the Grand Canyon by Jin Jiang, Joey Reynoso, Cruise Costin, Shayne Tarquinio=
– Green Beef: Amazonian Preservation vs Agribusiness Profits by Joey Reynoso, Jin Jiang, Cruise Costin, and Shayne Tarquinio