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Life Without Earth

Life Without Earth

Spring 2020: Monday and Wednesday, 12:15-1:30pm 
Ross-Blakely Hall, Room 171

What kinds of Earthly reliances and restrictions do we take for granted?


How might Earthly life expand beyond the Earth?


What notions about life do we assume because of our shared planetary heritage?


Engage with imaginative storytelling, build exciting new prototypes, and curate a collaborative vision of Life without Earth

Interdisciplinary students and faculty will engage with questions related to the interconnections between life as we know it and this planet we still call home. We will also imagine possibilities for futures in space alongside other literary, philosophical, scientific, social, and cultural attempts to unravel our entangled concepts of life and Earth. In collaboration with faculty and experts, students curate, design, and produce an exhibit of their inquiry’s final outcomes to advance the public’s understanding as we consider what life without Earth will look like.



Impact Outcomes

Interdisciplinary students and faculty in the Life without Earth Lab engaged with questions related to the interconnections between life as we know it and this planet we still call home. They also imagined possibilities for futures in space alongside other literary, philosophical, scientific, social, and cultural attempts to unravel our entangled concepts of life and Earth. In collaboration with faculty and experts, students curated, designed, and produced websites that detailed their inquiry’s final outcomes to advance the public’s understanding as we consider what life without Earth will look like.View their final impact outcomes here

Enrollment Information

Spring 2020: Monday and Wednesday, 12:15pm-1:30pm 

and *Monday 10:45am-12pm

Ross Blakely Hall Room 171 and ASU Sync, Session C

Humanities Lab Arts Media and Engineering
HUL 394 AME 394
Fulton School of Engineering Earth and Space Exploration
FSE 394 SES 394

*Lab time is for students to work on activities and assignments, especially skill-building and collaborative Lab projects. Contact faculty about required Lab times.


Instructional Team

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Faculty: Mary Fonow

Women and Gender Studies/Sociology
School of Social Transformation

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Faculty: Adam Nocek

Director of Center for Philosophical Technologies
School of Arts Media and Engineering
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Librarian: Matthew Harp

Research Data Management Librarian
Technology Services

Librarian: Rachel Martinez

STEM Librarian
STEM Division

Instructional Team