Information Overload
Information is everywhere, but how do we know what’s happening in the world?
Multiple medias compete for audiences. But do they compete to tell the truth?
What is the path forward for learning and knowing in a time of information overload?
How can we preserve our individual freedoms to speak and to think while managing the information that we receive?
In a world in which information flows in multiple directions, how can people gain access to what’s usefully true and truly useful?
We will analyze the history and current state of information in the world. We will learn about, even create, algorithms, media platforms, regulations for industry, best practices in writing, media creation, reading, and thinking. Students and faculty will work together to produce concrete plans to save the world from the misinformation that threatens to tear us apart and manipulate our thoughts and exploit our work.
- Collaborators TBA
Impact Outcomes
Concrete plans to save the world from the misinformation that threatens to tear us apart, manipulate our thoughts and exploit our work.
Enrollment Information
Spring 2021 |
Session A iCourse |
Humanities Lab | English |
HUL 494 and 598 | ENG 494 and 598 |
Interdisciplinary Studies | Digital Humanities |
IDS 494 | CDH 494 and 598 |
*Lab time is for students to work on activities and assignments, especially skill-building and collaborative Lab projects. Contact faculty about required Lab times.