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Gendering Peace & Security

Gendering Peace & Security

Spring 2023: Monday and Wednesday, 9:00am - 10:15am

Rob and Melani Walton Center for Planetary Health, Room 409

How can we envision transforming the SDGs for 2030?


How can a better understanding of gender equity help us to approach environmental issues?


What does a feminist approach to addressing climate change look like?


How can an intersectional ecofeminist approach work towards women's empowerment in order to facilitate peace making and address environmental justice?


How can we build inclusive and participatory decision-making processes?

In this inaugural UNESCO BRIDGES series of Humanities Labs, we will focus on the principles outlined in UNESCO's Guidelines for Sustainability Science in Research and Education. We will draw on humanities and social sciences approaches in order to innovate student-led transdisciplinary, co-produced, and socially-embedded projects that help justly and equitably transform systems and institutions in ways that seek to empower women and advance security.


  • Youth Mappers Network

Impact Outcomes

Students will share their findings with the general public in a format of their choosing. View the outcomes here.

Peace and Security in the News

At the Humanities Lab, we strive to ensure our Labs are relevant and current. Here are some recent articles about international health and women's rights in today’s news!

There's a baby formula controversy in Kenya, too. But shortages are not the issue

Supporting countries in reviewing and developing education legal and policy frameworks - UNESCO

Enrollment Information

Spring 2023: Monday and Wednesday, 9:00am - 10:15am

ISTB7, Room 409, Session C

Humanities Lab English
HUL 494 & 598 ENG 494 & 598
Women's Studies School of Sustainability
WST 494 & 598 SOS 498 & 594


Instructional Team

Seize the Moment

This Lab is presented through Seize the Moment, an initiative of Leonardo, the Humanities Lab, and the Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University. In an alarming syndemic of intersecting crises—the coronavirus pandemic, racial injustice and accompanying civil unrest, and cascading environmental hazards—Seize the Moment addresses the grand challenges of the day through transdisciplinary arts, science, technological, and humanities collaborations in research, pedagogy, and public engagement. To learn more, visit our website at

simple text logos for Leonardo, the Humanities Lab and the Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University