Feeling Climate Uncertainty
Learn how to embrace uncertainty. What emotions relate to climate change?
How can emotions hinder and/or bolster sustainability efforts?
What novel artistic tools and processes can be used to connect with and resolve emotional responses to climate change?
How can we integrate other ways of knowing with traditional academic disciplinary knowledge?
Why are we so challenged by uncertainty?
We will investigate the critical role emotions play in socio-cultural responses (or lack of response) to climate change (and its intersecting social challenges). Together we will engage different knowledges, methods, and processes for accessing our emotions and honing our intuition and intellect- from art to qualitative and quantitative mixed methods and beyond.Students will then be able to collaborate on a culminating impact project of their inquiry-based design. It could be a public performance/art exhibit, a data collection/analysis white paper or prototyping their own novel system.
- Collaborations TBA
Impact Outcomes
All students will have the opportunity to perform/or capture data as participants in a public art project addressing the climate crisis and its intersections with racial justice and the global pandemic.
Enrollment Information
Spring 2021: Wednesday 9:00 AM-12:00 PM,*Wednesday 12:15 – 1:30pm |
ASU Sync |
Humanities Lab | School of Sustainability |
HUL 494 and 598 | SOS 498 and 594 |
School of Art | |
ART 494 and 598 |
*Lab time is for students to work on activities and assignments, especially skill-building and collaborative Lab projects. Contact faculty about required Lab times.