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Facing Immigration

Facing Immigration

Spring 2021: Mondays, 9:00-12:00pm 
ASU Sync

Why do individuals and communities migrate, historically and currently?


Why and how do issues of race, class, and gender shape perceptions of immigrants and immigration?


How can the issue of immigration be humanized?


Why, for the past decade, has immigration been a major controversial force, shaping political developments across the globe?

Working together with faculty and local artists, students will be empowered to address this question and others through collaborative, team-based and inquiry-focused learning. Through further engagement in these topics, different forms of artistic production will be developed. These Outcomes will be prepared be shared on campus and in the larger community.


  • Collaborators TBA

Impact Outcomes

Students will share their findings with the general public in a format of their choosing.

Enrollment Information

Spring 2021: Monday 9:00am-12:00pm and

*Monday 12:15-1:30pm

ASU Sync, Session C

Humanities Lab Anthropology
HUL 494 and 598 ASB 494 and 598
HIS 494 and 580

*Lab time is for students to work on activities and assignments, especially skill-building and collaborative Lab projects. Contact faculty about required Lab times.


Instructional Team

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Faculty: Alex Avina

School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies
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Faculty: Emir Estrada

School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Sociocultural Anthropology
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Librarian: Matt Ogborn

E-Learning and Instruction
Graduate Instruction & Project Manager
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Librarian: Allinston Saulsberry

E-Learning and Instruction
Undergraduate Instruction & Project Manager

Instructional Team