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Energy, Justice, and Action

Energy, Justice, and Action

Fall 2023: Tuesday & Thursday, 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm

Walton Center for Planetary Health, Room 409 (Session C)


How can we help the world meet the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals?


What do social justice and reduced inequalities have to do with equitable and just energy transition?


How do social, cultural, political, religious, and economic conditions determine which narratives about energy transition become dominant?


Who needs to be included in conversations about transitioning energy systems?


How can we better educate the public to understand and act in a timely way on just energy transition? 

In this UNESCO BRIDGES series of Humanities Labs, we will focus on the principles outlined in UNESCO's Guidelines for Sustainability Science in Research and Education. This Lab, in particular, will focus on unjust extraction and just energy transitions, with a focus on actions leading to transition away from coal and towards clean energy.


  • Collaborators TBA

Impact Outcomes

Students will share their findings with the general public in a format of their choosing. Check this page at the end of the semester for more information.

Energy justice in the News

At the Humanities Lab, we strive to ensure our Labs are relevant and current. Here are some recent articles about energy justice in today’s news.

Leveling the (Green) Playing Field

Enable a just transition for American fossil fuel workers through federal action

Quitting Fossil Fuels and Reviving Rural America

Enrollment Information

Fall 2023: Tue & Thu, 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm

WCPH, Session C

Humanities Lab HUL 494 & 598
School of Sustainability SOS 498 & 594
Department of English ENG 494 & 598


Instructional Team

Seize the Moment

This Lab is presented through Seize the Moment, an initiative of Leonardo, the Humanities Lab, and the Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University. In an alarming syndemic of intersecting crises—the coronavirus pandemic, racial injustice and accompanying civil unrest, and cascading environmental hazards—Seize the Moment addresses the grand challenges of the day through transdisciplinary arts, science, technological, and humanities collaborations in research, pedagogy, and public engagement. To learn more, visit our website at

simple text logos for Leonardo, the Humanities Lab and the Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University