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Diplomacy Lab: Latin America

Diplomacy Lab: Latin America

Spring 2023: Monday and Wednesday, 3:00pm - 4:15pm

Rob and Melani Walton Center for Planetary Health, Room 409

What is the relationship between North and South America?


What is the U.S. role in Latin America?


Can (and how can) US foreign policy and diplomatic missions create benefits for Latin American societies?


Why are foreign relations important to domestic issues in the US?


Engage with Latin American politics.

This Humanities Lab course focuses on a project from the Department of State that tasks us with collaboratively investigating how vulnerable urban communities in Brazil adapt and mitigate climate risks. Students will learn the necessary background and consult with State Department representatives to ensure the local utility of the analysis and resulting suggestions for improved interventions that respond to the U.S. Embassy Brasilia’s project and work collaboratively to produce a deliverable for the Deputy Advisor for Environment, Science, Technology, and Health.

The outcome goals are to: 1) identify the unique impact(s) of climate crisis in low-income communities, as well as the intersection of climate crisis with water, food, energy, jobs, and migration; 2) demonstrate how these Brazilian communities offer valuable examples of innovation, creativity, and hope to address climate crisis, which may be adapted to others within and outside the Brazilian context; and 3) underscore the critical role of multi-sectoral, multi-scaler partnerships to simultaneously address climate crisis and racial inequality.


  • Department of State
  • U.S. Embassy Brasilia
  • Additional collaborators TBA

Impact Outcomes

Students will share their findings with the general public in a format of their choosing. View the outcomes here.

Latin America in the News

At the Humanities Lab, we strive to ensure our Labs are relevant and current. Here are some recent articles about the politics of Latin America in today’s news!

Brazil’s climate politics are shifting. That matters for the whole planet.

Many nations say they won't go to the Summit of the Americas unless all are invited

Enrollment Information

Spring 2023: Monday and Wednesday, 3:00pm - 4:15pm

ISTB7, Room 409, Session C

Humanities Lab Portuguese
HUL 494 & 598 POR 494 & 598
Future of Innovation in Society Global Technology and Development
FIS 494 GTD 598


Instructional Team

Seize the Moment

This Lab is presented through Seize the Moment, an initiative of Leonardo, the Humanities Lab, and the Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University. In an alarming syndemic of intersecting crises—the coronavirus pandemic, racial injustice and accompanying civil unrest, and cascading environmental hazards—Seize the Moment addresses the grand challenges of the day through transdisciplinary arts, science, technological, and humanities collaborations in research, pedagogy, and public engagement. To learn more, visit our website at

simple text logos for Leonardo, the Humanities Lab and the Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University