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Health Humanities

Health Humanities

Fall 2017: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:00pm-1:15pm
Social Sciences Building, Room 109

Is health your accomplishment?


Is disease your responsibility?


And for that matter, what is health? How do we know it when we have it?


Can you be healthy in mind, but not in body or vice versa?


How does your community or your socio-economic status affect your health?


This lab course will seek ways to respond to these difficult, transdisciplinary questions on the intersection between health and the humanities.

This class will introduce students to the cutting-edge field and would be of tremendous benefit to students in STEM majors who may be interested in applying to medical school and/or who are interested in studying health issues from a humanist perspective.

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Compare different understandings of health, disease, wellbeing, and medicine.
  • Explain and critique the study of health and medicine.
  • Outline foundational questions in the humanistic study of health, healthcare, and medicine.
  • Identify contemporary issues in health research and determine the appropriate research methods for addressing and understanding these issues.
  • Design a collaborative research project that investigates health, medicine, and/or wellbeing through the applied use of humanistic methodologies and theoretical tools.

Enrollment Information

Fall 2017: Tuesday and Thursday, 12:00pm-1:15pm

Social Sciences Building, Room 109, Session C

English Religious Studies
ENG 394 REL 394

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Faculty: Christy Spackman

Food Policy
School for the Future of Innovation in Society

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Faculty: Grisha Coleman

Performance and Experiential Media
School of Arts, Media and Engineering
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Librarian: Janice Hermer

Assistant Liaison Librarian
Humanities Division

Instructional Team